Why investors should consider Bitcoin as a new asset class?

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Digital assets have been a hot topic in the investment world for several years now, and for good reason. With the rise of blockchain technology, we have seen the emergence of a new asset class that has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about money and value.

In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of a recent report on digital assets and why investors need to consider bitcoin separately from other digital assets.

The Fidelity’s report begins by addressing the question of which digital asset to invest in. While there are hundreds, even thousands of digital assets in the ecosystem, bitcoin remains the most recognized and first-ever digital asset. However, investors may be concerned that bitcoin is vulnerable to innovative destruction from competitors.

The report proposes that bitcoin is best understood as a monetary good and one of the primary investment theses for bitcoin is as a store of value asset in an increasingly digital world. The report also highlights the fundamental differences between bitcoin and other digital assets in the ecosystem. While other digital assets may offer potential rewards or upside, they are unlikely to improve upon bitcoin as a monetary good.

The report concludes that investors need to consider bitcoin separately from other digital assets and understand the trade-offs involved in any potential improvements to the network.

The Blocksize War

The blocksize war has been a contentious issue in the bitcoin community for several years. The blocksize refers to the size of the blocks in the bitcoin blockchain. While some argue that increasing the block size would improve the speed and scalability of the network, others argue that it would lead to a reduction in decentralization and security. The report explores the different perspectives on the blocksize war and concludes that any improvement in one characteristic of bitcoin leads to a reduction in another characteristic, known as the blockchain trilemma. The report highlights the importance of understanding the trade-offs involved in any potential improvements to the network.

Bitcoin vs. Other Digital Assets

The report goes on to discuss the differences between bitcoin and other digital assets in the ecosystem. One of the key differences is that bitcoin is the most secure, decentralized, and sound digital money relative to other digital assets. While other digital assets may offer potential rewards or upside, they are unlikely to improve upon bitcoin as a monetary good. The report also highlights the importance of understanding the different use cases for digital assets.

While bitcoin is best understood as a store of value asset, other digital assets may have different use cases, such as utility tokens or security tokens. Investors need to consider the different use cases for digital assets and understand the risks and potential rewards involved.

Ethereum and Smart Contracts

The report also discusses Ethereum and its ability to host and run smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. While Ethereum has its own unique qualities, it is fundamentally different from bitcoin as a monetary good.

The report highlights the potential of smart contracts to revolutionize the way we think about contracts and agreements. Smart contracts have the potential to reduce the need for intermediaries and increase the efficiency and transparency of transactions.

However, investors need to understand the risks involved in investing in smart contracts and the potential for bugs or vulnerabilities in the code.


In conclusion, the report highlights the unique qualities of bitcoin as a monetary good and its potential as a store of value asset in an increasingly digital world. While there are hundreds, even thousands of digital assets in the ecosystem, bitcoin remains the most secure, decentralized, and sound digital money relative to other digital assets.

Investors need to consider bitcoin separately from other digital assets and understand the trade-offs involved in any potential improvements to the network. The report also highlights the importance of understanding the different use cases for digital assets and the potential of smart contracts to revolutionize the way we think about contracts and agreements.

As we continue to see the rise of blockchain technology, digital assets will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in the investment world. Investors need to stay informed and understand the risks and potential rewards involved in investing in digital assets.

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