From Fintech to Crypto: How to Fill the Valuable Gap?

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In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, a new player has emerged – blockchain and cryptocurrencies. As executives from traditional financial services firms consider making the leap into this dynamic sector, a recent report sheds light on the key factors influencing this transition.

A survey conducted by the Global Blockchain Business Council and Heidrick & Struggles involved 46 professionals who recently transitioned from investment banks, asset management firms, hedge funds, and other types of firms to explore their motivations for the move. The survey aimed to understand the reasons behind their transition and assess the reality of their new roles and businesses. Notably, all respondents were still actively working in blockchain and crypto at the time of the survey, indicating that their moves have been successful thus far.

Join me on a deep dive into the insights provided by this report and understand how executives are moving moving from fintech to blockchain and crypto services.

Transitioning to Blockchain and Crypto

Executives are increasingly drawn to the crypto and digital assets sector, seeking new challenges and opportunities. The report highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of transitioning from traditional financial services to blockchain and crypto companies. Flexibility, culture impact, and leadership capabilities are key elements that executives need to consider when making this switch.

Prioritizing Culture Impact

Culture plays a pivotal role in the success of executives transitioning to blockchain and crypto companies. Founders shape the organizational culture, influencing the work environment and employee experience. Understanding and aligning with the culture of a blockchain company is crucial for executives looking to thrive in this innovative space.

Executive Roles in Blockchain and Crypto

The report delves into the diverse backgrounds of executives who have made the switch to blockchain and crypto roles. From directors to managing directors, these professionals bring a wealth of experience from traditional financial services. Factors such as starting a new venture or being recruited by a trusted executive drive these transitions, highlighting the importance of networks and connections in the digital assets space.

Roles of Executives before hiring. Source: GBBC and Heidrick & Struggles blockchain survey, 2021, n = 46

Leadership Capabilities in the Crypto Industry

The blockchain and crypto industry demands a unique set of leadership capabilities compared to traditional financial services. Executives need to exhibit grit, resilience, and a high risk tolerance to thrive in this fast-paced environment. Success in the crypto sector requires a willingness to embrace uncertainty, make quick decisions, and operate at an accelerated pace.

An important asset is your network. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
Source: GBBC and Heidrick & Struggles blockchain survey, 2021, n = 46

Compensation and Expectations

When it comes to compensation, executives in blockchain and crypto companies have varying expectations. While some anticipate similar or lower compensation levels compared to traditional banking, others expect higher rewards due to the sector’s growth potential. The willingness of professionals to accept lower base rates in exchange for significant equity highlights the allure of the blockchain and crypto space.

Skills for Success in Blockchain and Crypto

To excel in blockchain and crypto roles, executives must possess a unique blend of hard and soft skills. Adaptability, critical thinking, and communication are crucial soft skills, enabling executives to navigate the rapid changes and ambiguity in the crypto sector. Additionally, expertise in product management, sales, programming, and legal compliance are highly sought after in blockchain and crypto companies.

The most important skills to success in blockchain according to executives. Source: GBBC and Heidrick & Struggles blockchain survey, 2021, n = 45


In conclusion, the transition from traditional financial services to blockchain and crypto companies offers a wealth of opportunities for executives seeking a new challenge. By prioritizing culture fit, developing essential leadership capabilities, and honing the necessary skills, executives can thrive in this dynamic sector.

The report underscores the importance of networks, adaptability, and a passion for innovation in successfully making the switch to blockchain and crypto roles. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, executives must embrace change, seize opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve to excel in this exciting field.

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